In my previous post I mentioned that I've been working on painting a new Helbrute miniature. Well the good news is that I have now finished it. My next task was to look at basing it.
For this particular model I decided to try a lava effect on the base as it will be part of a deep striking unit, so I wanted to show that the energy used to teleport these monsters into battle is so great that it physically melts the earth around it when it arrive sin battle.
I had a look on a few websites (My local GW store had a post on their Facebook page) to see how to do a lava effect and decided to give it a go. Here is the result.
The first thing I did was paint the entire base Troll Slayer Orange.
Once this was dry I next added some Flash Gitz Yellow patches.
Once the yellow was dry I then added some patches of Evil Sunz Scarlet.
Whilst the Evil Sunz Scarlet is still wet I re-applied some Troll Slayer Orange to the base and blended it in with the Evil Sunz Scarlet . Try not to go over too much of the yellow when doing this.
Once the base was dry I then added a thick layer of Agrellan Earth, the technical paint that is designed to crack when it dries. I then left it over night to fully dry.
To finish the base I added some tuffs of grass.
Overall I'm happy with the end result, though I think a thicker layer of Agrellan Earth would have been better as it would have made bigger cracks and shown more of the lava.
My new Helbrute next to my other one from the Dark Vengeance boxset. I just need one more to complete my deep strike formation. |