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Thursday, 17 April 2014

Written in Da' Rulz - Helbrute dataslate

I recently decided to download the Helbrute dataslate that was released by GW Digital at around the same time that the new Helbrute kit came out. 

Now this is the first dataslate that I've purchased so I didn't really know what to expect.  I'd read a few online reviews for it to see if it was worth purchasing and generally speaking it had good reviews, so I figured that for £2.99 I couldn't really go too wrong.

I have to say that I really like the new direction that these dataslates allow you take your 40K armies.  For those who have not seen one they effectively give you options, similar to those that exist in Apocalypse,  that is to field units as detachments that sit separately to your primary force (much like allies do) and don't use up any of your force organisation slots in your primary army list.  The Helbrute dataslate has three formations that you can field as a detachment, each of which has its own set of special rules (which are covered within the dataslate).
My personal favourite of these formations is the one that allows you to have three deep striking Helbrutes in your army!!!  I'm deffinitly going to be including that in my 2,000 point Chaos Space Marine force.
As well as new rules the dataslate also includes a background section and a figure showcase, which doesn't  feature anything new that hasn't already been shown in White Dwarf or the Space Marine Codex. 
Overall I think this is a definite purchase for any Chaos Space Marine player who wants to try a few new options out for their Helbrutes. 

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