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Tuesday 27 December 2016

What's on my painting table - Blood Angels assult bikes

It’s Christmas! But that hasn’t stopped me from finding some time to get some hobby stuff done, specifically getting the second half of my Blood Angels Kill team finished. 
 So over a course of several days I managed to paint up my 5 Space Marine bikes.  Here are the end results. 
One of the bikes.  I added weathering and battle damage to the paint work (as with my 5 man tactical squad) to show that the squad had been in the field for a while. 

The squads sergeant

Two more bikers, one of whom is about to throw a grenade.

The complete squad.

And them with the other half of my Kill Team, making the complete unit.

Friday 9 December 2016

What's on my Painting Table - 5th Company Blood Angel Captain

Another day and another miniature finished.  This time it’s my second Blood Angels Captain in Terminator armour.  This is a conversion from the Captain Karlaen figure which came in the star collecting Blood angels set.  As I already have a Captain Karlaen miniature I decided to convert this one to be the captain of my 5th company.   When converting him up I decided to use the cover art of Fantasy Flights Relic Game as inspiration.  Here’s a picture of the cover art for those of you who are not familiar with it.  

Now for obvious reasons I was not going to paint my captain in ultramarine colours but as you can see my finished miniature does bare a slight resemblance to the dude on the relic box…

5th Company captain ready for action.

The rear view

A better look at the lightning claw

Monday 5 December 2016

What's on my painting table - Silver Tower Ork and Eldar Warlock

Christmas is coming! Which means I’ve had a busy schedule of late, however that doesn’t mean that I haven’t had time to get some miniatures painted (all be it the odd two).  This weekend I managed to finish off a Savage Orc (Which will be joining my heroes in the Silver Tower) and an Eldar warlock.  Below are the end results. 

Now these two are done I can get back to finishing the second half of my Blood Angels Kill team (my attack bikes).  I also have a metal Blood bowl Saurus player to finish painting for my new Lizardmen team.  I guess it’s a good thing I have this week off on holiday then :)

Savage Ork Warboss charges into the Silver Tower.  I went for a yellow colour scheme as a homage to the Bad Moons in 40K

His axe had blood on it, probably from one of his latest kills.

Rear view

Close up of the face.

My finished Warlock.  I've given him a cost of 'Ard Coat as he's a metal minature and it helps protect it from chips and scrapes. 

Rear view.