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Sunday, 6 August 2017

Primaris Space Marine Chaplain

When the new edition of 40K came out I said that I wasn’t going to buy myself any of the new Primaris Marines beyond that which comes in the Dark Imperium starter set.  So far I’ve stuck to this decision (which I mainly made because I didn’t want to suckered into buying a load of new, true scale Space Marine miniatures) however as soon as I saw the new Primaris Chaplain I knew I HAD to get him for my Blood Angels army.  This miniature just looks so damn cool and I even thought of a cool narrative that could explain his presence in my army.

As soon as I got the miniature I assembled it and set myself the goal of getting him painted by the end of the weekend, which I am pleased to say that I achieved.  Here is the finished result.

Like my Sanguinary Priest this Primaris Chaplain wears a red robe to reinforce his Blood Angel lineage.  I used a Rhinox Hide and Karak Stone dry brush to add a dirt effect to the robes.

The backstory I’ve come up with for this guy is that the Lord Commander of the Imperium, Roboute Gilliman has dispatched Primaris Chaplains across the Imperium to help pave the way for the Primaris Space Marines to be fully integrated into each Chapter.  This Chaplain, who is one of many to be sent to Baal has ended up being assigned to the 5th Company under the command of Captain Sendri. 

The customary rear view!

Now that I’ve finished this miniature I can get back to painting some more of the new Death Guard.  I’ve currently got on my painting table two Plague Marines and my second Bloat Drone, which I have started on but are still a long way off being finished.    

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