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Sunday, 6 April 2014

What's on my Painting Table - Ork nobz, Helbrute and Imperial Fists

It's been another busy week for me with gaming and work but I have managed to finish my 5 Ork Nobz (I just have the bases to finish).  These new miniatures are replacing 5 of the Ork Nobz that came with the 5th edition boxset that I've currently been gaming with.  As the Nobz boxset have cybork components and Big Choppas (Which better reflect the war gear of the unit) it was only a matter of time before I had to buy some.  At some point I need to get (or convert) a Nob to have a Waaagh banner as my unit also has one of these in it.  I'm really happy with the finished results as they show how far my painting has progressed since I first got back into the hobby. 

4 of the new Nobz. 

With just the bases left to finish the new Nobz will be able to re-join their unit. 

The Nobz weren't the only miniatures I had time to do some work on.  I also managed to do a bit of base coat detail on my new Helbrute miniature.  He's still a long way of being finished but I'm getting there.

The Helbrute with another new unit.

I also started painting my first unit for my Imperial Fists army, namely my Scout Squad.  I figured as there are only 5 of these miniatures to paint it was a good way to try out the colour scheme and techniques.  Like the Helbrute they're in their early basecoat phase.

A close up of the Scout Squad

Looking ahead I've still got my 2nd Ork Stompa to finish and my Storm Boyz to make a start on, however I'm tempted to get my recent Death Guard unit painted, as it will mean all of my Chaos miniatures will be painted. 

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