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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Da Mek's Workshop - The "Imperial" Knight Rises

Well I've finally got round to building my brand new Imperial Knight kit.  Here's how I got on.

STAGE 1: Getting started

The Imperial Knight kit, ready to be assembled

The box is opened and my tools are out.  Let's get this thing built!

STAGE 2: The Legs

Always good to have the instructions to hand!

First bit assembled
With the Knights leg assembled you can get a real sense of the scale of the model. This Ratskin scout has no chance!   

That's the first leg finished.  Now to leave it to dry whilst I work on the other one.
Both legs finished

Once they were dried I posed the legs into the pose I wanted and then attached them to the base. 

STAGE 3: The Body

The next stage of the build is the body. 

The head is added

The finished body, just some of the finer details to add.  I decided to go with the advice in White Dwarf and glue a bit of sprue over the bearing that attached the body to the legs as it allows you to move the body. 

STAGE 4: The Arms

The Reaper Chainsword is added.  What's great about this kit is the movability that it allows you in the weapons.  I've decided not to glue the arms permanently to the body as the kit allows you to slot them on and off, which should make it easier to paint.

The finished Knight.  I went with the Paladin option as who can turn down a rapid-fire battle cannon.  I've left the face mask off as I'm going to add that later when I get round to painting the miniature.

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