Inspired by this weeks issue of White Dwarf I decided to have a go at making some of my own Objective markers to use in 40K.
After having a good rummage through my Bitz Box I managed to find enough interesting looking items to use for my objective markers.
Bitz found! now to make the markers |
Some of the tools I'll need. |
I decided to make my 6 objectives a mixture of different items, to reflect the different races in the 40k universe. As such I ended up with two Imperial markers, 2 Ork markers, I Tau marker and 1 "mysterious item" marker.
The finished markers |
This Vox-caster objective marker was the easiest to make and came straight from he pages of White Dwarf. |
This downed Tau Drone was also inspired by White Dwarf. I've added some bullet holes to it by using the hobby drill. |
These spare demolition charges/ammo packs make a great objective to secure. |
This is one of my Ork themed objectives. Could it represent the grave of a fallen Ork Warboss or does it mark the location of a secret deposit of Ork Teeth? |
All that's left to do now is to paint, number and base them. Then they'll be ready to hit the battlefield!
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