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Saturday, 19 August 2017

What's on my painting table? Renegade Knight

It’s taken me a week but my latest addition to my Death Guard army is assembled and painted.  That’s right my Renegade Knight has arrived to give my forces of Chaos some much needed firepower!

I’ve been wanting to add one to my Death Guard for a while now but I never got around to purchasing one until now.  With the new edition of 40K out it gave me the perfect excuse to finally buy one.

Any way here are the end results.  Let me know what you think. 

I decided to paint my Renegade Knight in the same colours as my Death Guard, as I figured the pilot long ago aligned themselves to the chaos god of Nurgle.  If you look closely you can even see their arm poking out of the hatch on the roof.  Are they trying to escape their living hell or is it something more sinister?

The knight shows many scars from battle, including bullet holes, dirt and missing armour. 

The knight is also starting to show signs of mutation as it becomes increasingly corrupted.  Strange growths and horns have appeared on it’s right side and tentacles have sprouted from its faceplate.  In another 1,000 years or so it will be more monster than machine. 

The rear view shows off more of the rust and decay this knight is exhibiting.  Neglected of any kind of maintenance this machine is slowly wasting away.  The fact it still stands is not only a testament to the power of the chaos god of Nurgle but also the design of the Adaptus Mechanicus who originally constructed it back on Mars.   

A closer look at the base for the knight.  I decided to magnetise it to make it easier to paint and transport. 

I think this Renegade Knight will make a really nice centre piece for my Death Guard army (well until Mortarian comes out 😊 ). Now it’s finished I can move onto painting some of the Plague Marines from the Dark Imperium starter box. 

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