My Blog List

Monday, 25 August 2014

Stray Shot!

Welcome to another one of my new blog segments, Stray Shot! that deals with all things Necromunda. 


I've recently been getting back into this game again after having a bit of a rest from it after the campaign I ran last year.

Getting back into it wasn't as easy as I thought.  For one  I've seemed to have "misplaced" my old gang rosters, so I've had to start over again.  However with a new roster I can do a new gang and this time I've decided to try out a Goliath Gang (called the Big Brands).  The other thing I was shocked with was how many of the rules I'd forgotten!

On a side note I've always thought of Necromunda as being a winter game.  I'm not sure why.  It could be that we have out Blood Bowl tournament in spring and in summer I tend to play more 40K games.  I also think the shorter days and longer nights lend themselves to the Underhive setting. 

Anyway here's some photos from one of my recent games against a Spyrer gang.  We played two games in total.  I won the first but lost the second (and had a ganger die on me!). 

Two of my Goliaths take up sentry duty up high on a building.

Whilst two Gangers and a Juve lurk behind these bulkheads.

Spyrer spotted!!!

The Spyrer shoots my heavy, pinning him for this turn, so I have to move my ganger and Juve in to deal with the problem.

Shooting fails and they end up in what will be one of the longest rounds of close combat in Necromunda history. 

Meanwhile my leader and another ganger try to take out the Spyrers moving in on the other side of the table.

Shooting works, pinning one of them!

But we soon end up in close combat again.  Luckily I win this one. 

Sunday, 24 August 2014

What's on my Painting Table - Space Marines!

Hi all, another quick update today as I've managed to get a few more of my Imperial Fists finished (As well as a Salamander).  Here's the photos. 

Just the fine detailing to go!

I had a spare Space Marine in my bitz box that I decided to paint up (so he can sit on my monitor at work).  I thought I'd try a different  chapter colour so wend for Salamanders

Detailing done, now to add transfers and base.

The finished Salamander on snow base.

Rear view.

That just leaves two more of my Devastators to paint to complete the squad, though I currently have the new Ork Painboy on my  painting table to work on next.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

What's on my Painting Table - Ratskin Scout & Grot Oiler

It's been another slow week painting wise but I have managed to finish some of my on going projects (including one that has been sitting on my painting table for about 6 months now!).
First off, here are the finished 3 old school Ork StormBoyz I'd been working on.  I'm really happy with how they turned out.

I also decided that it was about time I finished my Ratskin Scout!  I also wanted to get the last of my 2nd edition Ork Grots finished, 

As I'm slowly working through my Imperial Fists I decided to make a start on two more of my Devastator marines.

Here's the finished Ratskin.  He looks even better in real life (This photo doesn't do him justice).  I've added weathering and rust effects to his shotgun, and decided to do a  snow base as I figured he lives outside of the underhive and uses the air cooling ducts to go to and from the underhive to the wastelands. 

And here's the finished Grot Assistant with Squig Oilers. 

Sunday, 10 August 2014

What;s on my Painting Table - Whirlwind update!

Here's a quick update on the progress of my work on painting up the MK1(or 2nd edition) Whirlwind that I recently acquired. I'm happy to say it is now finished.

All the paint work is finished, just waiting for the coat of 'Ardcoat' to dry so I can apply the transfers.  

Basecoats and washes applied to the turret. 

This Whirlwind belongs to part of the 9th Legion. With it's Captain being the Master of Relics it makes sense that they'd have a few "old" tanks making up part of the legion.   

The completed turret.  I have to admit it was hard to clean all the original paint off the miniature so it does look a bit thicker than it should.

The completed tank. 

A side view.

And here it is in my display cabinet with the rest of my Imperial Fists


Monday, 4 August 2014

What's on my Painting Table - MK1 Whirlwind

This week I've been working on a MK1 Whirlwind which I recently purchased from one of my friends who was getting rid of a load of his old 2nd edition Warhammer 40K stuff.

I figured that the old style Whirlwind would fit right at home with my 9th company Imperial Fists
 given that their Captain is the Master of Relics.

The basecoats has gone on.  Originally this was painted as a Space Wolves Whirlwind

The rocket mount

Work continues

Stay on Target!

Welcome to the first "Stay on Target" which is my new article on all things Fantasy Flight Star Wars X-Wing related.

As some of you know I've recently gotten into playing X-Wing after I got it for Christmas over a year or ago.  Since initially having a few games of it against one of my friends (Who had also never played it before) I decided to see if anyone at my local gaming club fancied playing a game against me.

I was in luck as someone (Who was a bit of a veteran of X-Wing) offered to give me a game. I think you get to learn a lot about a game when you get to play it against a veteran.  For example one of the key things I learned was that getting organised is vital.  Having all your counters in easy reach and so forth helps speed up the game play.

I now keep all my ships in this hand box.  the packaging they come in makes a nice case container for each on.

And I bought this screw box to but my counters in.

I also learnt about doing an initiative roll off before you play, so when you have two pilots with equal initiative you know which one plays their actions first.

For this game I was using my rebel fleet which meant I got to try out my new two A-Wings alongside my two X-wings piloted by Biggs and Wedge. We decided to do Rebels Vs Rebels (We marked it up as a training mission).  I found the A-Wings fast but a little under gunned, especially when they were up against an E-Wing! 

In the end I lost the game, though it could have gone either way at one point.  Anyway it was a fun game a great way to learn more about the game.  Now to get some more experience with my imperial Fleet!

Guess it's down to these two to patch up my Rebel Fleet ready for my next game :)