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Monday, 25 August 2014

Stray Shot!

Welcome to another one of my new blog segments, Stray Shot! that deals with all things Necromunda. 


I've recently been getting back into this game again after having a bit of a rest from it after the campaign I ran last year.

Getting back into it wasn't as easy as I thought.  For one  I've seemed to have "misplaced" my old gang rosters, so I've had to start over again.  However with a new roster I can do a new gang and this time I've decided to try out a Goliath Gang (called the Big Brands).  The other thing I was shocked with was how many of the rules I'd forgotten!

On a side note I've always thought of Necromunda as being a winter game.  I'm not sure why.  It could be that we have out Blood Bowl tournament in spring and in summer I tend to play more 40K games.  I also think the shorter days and longer nights lend themselves to the Underhive setting. 

Anyway here's some photos from one of my recent games against a Spyrer gang.  We played two games in total.  I won the first but lost the second (and had a ganger die on me!). 

Two of my Goliaths take up sentry duty up high on a building.

Whilst two Gangers and a Juve lurk behind these bulkheads.

Spyrer spotted!!!

The Spyrer shoots my heavy, pinning him for this turn, so I have to move my ganger and Juve in to deal with the problem.

Shooting fails and they end up in what will be one of the longest rounds of close combat in Necromunda history. 

Meanwhile my leader and another ganger try to take out the Spyrers moving in on the other side of the table.

Shooting works, pinning one of them!

But we soon end up in close combat again.  Luckily I win this one. 

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