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Sunday, 30 March 2014

What's on my Painting Table - Ork Nobz and Helbrute

This week I've been working on some new painting projects (Whilst also painting my bay window).  they're still a way off completion but here's the current progress.  The Helbrute is the new kit that was released a few weeks back.  I wanted to upgrade the weapons on the one currently in my Chaos Space Marine army so I had to get a  new miniature.

The undercoat is applied. 

At this stage I've started to apply the basecoats to the miniatures.  The yellow on the Ork Nobz two handed axes is meant to represent that they were once used for an industrial purpose before the Ork Meks tinkered with them for combat. 

I just have the metallic paints to add to the Nobz,  The Helbrute is being painted in Red Corsairs colours so plenty of Red and Black.  However I decided to paint the helmet blue to show that, at some point in its past, the Space Marine pilot use to be a member of a Devastator Squad. 
I'm hoping to get these miniatures finished in the next few weeks so I'll post some more photos once they are done.   

Sunday, 23 March 2014

What's on my painting table - Ork Trukk

As you may have seen I've been working on finishing my second Ork Trukk.  Here are the stage by stage results.

The basecoat is finished

Death Guard Reinforcements!

My Chaos Space Marines are getting some extra support in the form of a unite of Death Guard plague Marines. 

I'm going to be using this unit for my larger games (so anything over 1,500 points).  I managed to make the unit fairly cheaply as well, by getting 5 second edition plastic Death Guard miniatures from eBay for less than £1 each.  The champion  I already had, and was being used as a bounty hunter in Necromunda.  I decided to strip the miniature and give it some new weapon choices, which requited some minor converting. 

My next job is to get them painted.  As you'll see I've got as far as undercoating them, but I have a growing list of miniatures to get painted so I'm not sure when I'll start on this unit.

Death Guard lined up ready for their undercoat

A closer look at the champion.  I've given him the classic Death Guard weapon options of a Plasma pistol and Powerfist

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Bombz away! The Ork Fighta Bomba

As Lucius Fox once said "There's nothing like having air superiority mr Wayne" and that is exactly what I've tried to give my Orks.  With five Deffkopptas and a Dakkajet my Ork army can certainly make a claim to the skies of the 41st millennium, and now they have newly painted Fighta Bomba to help them.

The Fighta Bomba soars over the battlefield!

This Bomba boasts three "Big Boy" bombz as well as a cheeky grunt who's hanging on for dear life!)

The Bomba with the rest of my Ork air force (including a mob of Stormboyz)

What's on my painting table - More Orks

It's a bit of a brief Painting Table this time but I thought I'd share some of my recent painting projects with you as I've managed to find some time between work to get some miniatures finished whilst laying the ground works for others.

To kick off here's a quick snap of my completed Big Mek.  I used several new techniques on this miniature, such as the rust on the Axe and the blue glaze on the Force Field Generator (To hopefully show that it has energy flowing through it).  I'm really happy with the end result, especially as my orks are definitely starting to look less cartoony and more warrior like.

The finished Big Mek

As well as miniatures I've also been working on basing some new scenery that I recently acquired from eBay...

A base coat of Mechanicus Grey has been added to the sand that I glued onto the plasti-card base

Whilts work on my second Stompa has also begun...

...and the Ork Trukk is starting to get its new paint job.

So as you can see I've got plenty to be working on over the next week or so.  My priority will be the Trukk and I'll post some photos of the finished vehicle once it's done.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Chaos Bikers

Here's some photos of another of my recently completed Chaos Space Marine units, my bikers.  I recently expanded the unit from 4 to 5 bikers (adding an extra melta gun into the mix). 

I wanted to show that the unit had fairly recently left the Imperium to join the path of Chaos under the command of Huron Blackheart, so I painted in some subtle details to show their link to their Imperial past.  For example the helmets of the bikers have been painted yellow to represent that they came from and assault detachment. 

I decided to mark the Champions bike out from the rest of the pack, so added more black into the colour scheme. 

Using the new citadel technical paint I added mud to the tyres to give a sense of movement to the bikes. 

The finished unit.

The Champion leads his unit into battle. 

Ork Stompa

As promised here are some photos of my recently finished Ork Stompa.  It's already had it's debut on the battlefield in game of escalation (It was destroyed in the second turn by an Iron Fists Dreadnought), so it just goes to show that newly painted miniatures always die first :)

I'm now working on getting my second Stompa painted. 

My stompa is painted blue to match the rest of my Deathskulls Klan

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