My Blog List

Monday, 24 February 2014

Da Mek's Workshop - Ork Trukk and Big Mek

Recently I've been thinking a lot about my 40K Ork force, for one thing I'd was struggling to win any games with them.  Unlike my Chaos Space Marine force I was struggling to find an army list that worked for me.  Despite trying to stick to the same list something clearly wasn't working, so I decided to re-think my strategy and made the move to change some units around.

One of the big changes I made was to split my unit of 30 Orks with sluggas and choppas into two smaller units of 12 and to give each unit a Trukk as a dedicated transport.  This created a new problem as I now needed a new Trukk (I also needed a new Ork Nob but luckily I had enough parts in my Bits box to make a new one).  So I went to my local GW store and purchased one.

I wanted my second Trukk to stand out a bit so I decided to do some small conversions to it.  Here's a sneak peek at the finished result. It's since been undercoated, waiting to get painted.

Using left over parts from my Dakka Jet kits I added a hood to the engine.  I also changed the barrel of the Big Shoota and added some extra armour around the gunners post.

Another unit that I decided to add to my Ork force was a Big Mek with Kustom Force Field.  This unit is a must for my Escalation force as I can place him inside my Stompa, giving it a 4+ cover save.  Anyway I decided that I'd try and make a Mek using what I had in my bits box (Proper Death Skulls style).  here's the results.


Sunday, 23 February 2014

What's on my painting table - Thousand Sons and Huron Blackheart

Well it's been a long time coming but here is the first Painting Table article for 2014!

In the time between being offline and getting the new blog set up I've managed to get a lot painted.  This means that over the next few weeks I'll be posting up some new pics of what I've managed to finish during my time away. 

The big news is that all of my Chaos Space Marine force has now been finished which means I have a  fully painted 1,500 point army ready to go.  I've also been busy working away on my Orks, but they are currently going through a bit of a re-organisation at the moment so some units that were finished have had new miniatures or vehicles added to them. On the plus side there isn't a lot left to paint, and once the Orks are finished I can move onto my Space Marines.

Thousand Sons

So here are some pics of the unit of Thousand Sons that I recently finished.  I decided to post these up first as they were the last unit that I needed to finish painting to complete my army.  I decided to go for a red and purple colour scheme to match them with the more demonic units in my army.  I also wanted to give them a  bit of a transition period feel to them from the Horus Heresy era to the 40K timeline.  The red on their armour reflects the colour scheme that the Thousand Sons had during that period  and I went with purple as the secondary colour as I wanted a colour that was close to the blue that the Thousand Sons of the 40K era wear.  I imagine my unit being around mid-point between the 30K and 40K Thousand Sons. 

The finished unit. 

Huron Blackheart
I also managed to finish my Huron Blackheart miniature.   Here's some photo's of him with some of the other command figures in my army.

Next Time
Ork Stompa! 

Link to the old site

Here's the link to the old Keep Calm and Re-Roll Blog

As I'm no longer able to access the old site due to me forgetting my password it will act as an achieve of what was before.   All new posts will be on here.


New Blog

I've had to create this new Keep Calm and Re-Roll blog space as, after several failed attempts, I couldn't access my original blog site after my old laptop died on me and I'd forgotten my original log in details (there's a lesson in there kids to always write down your passwords and don't solely rely on the computer to remember these details for you) . 

Anyway this new blog site will feature all the same content as my previous blog such as "What's on my painting table", "Mek's workshop", general articles and of course plenty of pictures, but it also gives me a chance to re-design and re-format the blog.  Anyway there should be loads of new content coming up in the next week or so as I've been very busy painting, converting and gaming.
