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Saturday, 23 July 2016

What's on my Painting Table? - Drop Pods and Devastators!

Now they aren’t the most exciting things to paint but they are a must in any Space Marine army... That’s right I’m talking about Drop Pods.  I currently have two in my Blood Angels force so decided to get them painted up, especially as they’re being used a lot in the Crusade of Fire campaign I’m currently playing.  

Here are the end results.  

My two Drop Pods.  I wanted to show wear and tear on these machines from being used in combat so added some scorching to the bottom of each pod caused during their re-entry into the planet’s atmosphere (I used the Apollo Command modules as inspiration).  Each pod also has some chipping on the paintwork from debris that would hit it on its way down.   

A little look inside each pod.  These will be used to deploy my Tactical Squads with Heavy Flamers into the enemy's battle line!

I’ve also been painting my new Devastator Squad which has several weapons options (An anti-infantry squad and an anti-tank squad.  The Squad is a combination of the new kit plus some Heavy Bolter Marines I bought second hand.  

This is the Anti-Infantry squad. 

And here is some of the Anti-Tank squad.  It’s missing the two Lascannons which are currently being painted.  They will eventually replace the two Heavy Bolters. 

Close up of the squad sergeant

I used some parts from the Blood angels upgrade sprue to customise the sergeant.  

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