It's been a rainy few days in Exeter which sucks if you want to do anything outside, or you enjoy the sun but is great for getting some hobby stuff done. So that is exactly what I have been doing whilst the rain has been beating down.
I've had a few things that I've wanted to get finished for a while now but as any wargammer will tell you trying to get everything in your collection painted is a never ending task. One thing I decided to try and finish was my Imperial Fists Tactical Squad. I managed to get 8 of the 10 miniatures finished (See below) which leaves me with just the heavy bolter and one standard marine left to paint, then all my Imperial Fists in my display cabinet will be finished (I can then move onto my Blood Angels and Imperial Knight). Here are the results.
The Tactical Squad disembark from their Drop Pod Bolters blazing! |
The Sargent displays the colours of the 6th Company on his banner. |
A Stormtalon gives some needed air support whilst the tactical squad disembark with a Librarian in tow. |
I also had some time to get some work done on my second Ork Stompa which I've been meaning to get finished for a while now but never really had the motivation to do so. Although it still has a way to go until it is finished I am now onto the wash and highlighting stage of painting this beast.
Progress has started on the Stompa. |
By the end of the day I had applied most of the washes and started to highlight the hull. Still a way to go until this bad boy is finished, but at least I have another Stompa in my collection which is finished and ready to hit the battlefield! |
Finally I even had some time to start painting my five Chaos Space Marine Terminators which are the final unit in my Chaos Space Marine collection that need painting.
These still have a long way to go! |
PS: Just another shout out to Board who are running a Kickstarter to get their cafe new venue off the table (Yes, pun intended). To find out more and lend your support click here
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