Happy New Year everyone! We've now entered the years of Hover boards and flying cars! that's right we're in 2015!!!
Christmas has been and gone and I managed to find some free in between festivities and getting ill time to get some painting done. My big project for 2015 is to build my Eldar army up for a 40K league which is taking place at my local gaming club, so recently I've been playing some Kill Team practice games on the lead up to the start of the league in February. After that we will have some Combat Patrol games (400 points) to play then we'll be getting into the bigger games. As such most of my focus has been on painting my Eldar forces and getting my army together.
Although not part of my Kill Team or Combat Squad my Wrathguard will form a part of my 1,000 point plus forces and I couldn't resist getting them painted over the Christmas break. Here are the end results.
The 5 Wrathguard. |
I decided to paint the bodies to look like pure wrathbone. I think it really helps to highlight the red and black elements. |
2 Wrathguard with their Wrath cannons. Simple highlighting was used on the guns to help stand out the detail. |
A fallen Imperial Guardsman at the feet of this Wrathguard. |
He's clutching a frag grenade as one last act of defiance before he dies of his injuries. |
This Wrathguard takes aim whilst perching on a Marines helmet |
Now these are done I can assemble the other five I have and get the unit finished. That is after I have painted this Jetbike, which is a new addition to my Kill Team List and provides me with some much needed firepower.
A converted jetbike with shuriken Cannon, which is part of my Kkill Team. I need to convert another which will form part of a larger unit in my Combat Patrol as well as convert a Warlock to ride one! |
I'm also expecting four Dark Reapers to arrive in the post any day now, which will be part of my combat Patrol, so again they'll be a painting priority.
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