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Monday, 12 January 2015

Outside the box - 40K Leage preperations

As I've mentioned in some of my other posts this year I'll be entering a 40K league at my local gaming club

The league starts in February with some Kill Team games then moves onto Combat Patrol (400 point games) and then working up to a 1,750 point army.

For the league I decided to use a new army, and seeing as I already had a Kill Team for it I choose Eldar.  Now I have to admit I'm not a great 40K player.  I tend to loose most of my games, however I'm hoping that by playing in a league I can start to build up my experience and get a lot more games of 40K behind me.  Using a new army also allows me to try some new rules out and give a new race a go.

For the first round of games I've come up with the following Kill Team list (based on some helpful suggestions by some more experienced players and some play testing with other combinations).

Kill Team:
  • Windrider Jetbike squad (1 with a Shuriken Cannon 4 with twin-linked Shuriken catapults)

  • 4 x Striking Scorpions and 1 x Exarch with Crushing Blow (+1 strength)
I had hoped to get 6 Jetbikes onto my list.  This is something I may do after play testing this list as I could drop the Scorpion Exarch and use the extra 20 points to have another Jetbike.
For my Combat Patrol I'm thinking of running the following list;
Combat Patrol:
  • 1X Warlock Council on Jetbike.
  • Windrider Jetbike squad (6 x Windrider Jetbikes with twin-linked shuriken catapult & 2 with Shuriken cannons.
  • Vyper (Shuriken cannon, twin-linked shuriken catapult.
  • Dark Reapers (4 x Dark Reapers)
This leaves me with 34 points to spend on upgrades (or maybe a few extra bikes!).  Though I am thinking of taking out the Vyper and replacing it with a War Walker. 
For the larger games my Combat Patrol will be expanded upong to included my unit of 10 Wrathguard as well as my Vaul's Wrath Support Battery made up of 3 x support weapons with D-Cannons.  Now this unit has the relentless special rule it means I can move them in range (or out of cover) with no downside so they can provide some much needed support to my Wrathguard and Jetbikes as they move in for the kill.   My Striking Scorpions will be blustered up to a 10 man unit and my force will be lead by a Farseer.  All this I currently have. 
I'm also considering getting 10 Dire Avengers as another troop option and a Fire Prism as my final Heavy Support slot.  I'm also looking at another HQ choice.  Currently it's between getting a Spiritseer or another Farseer.   If I have enough points left after that then a flyer will also be added to the list.   
Anyway I'd like to know what people think.  Am I missing any vital units? (I know I don't have any Warp Spiders but those things go for a stupid amount of money on eBay and I don't want the finecast ones as finecast is too brittle in my opinion and tends to snap). 
Post your comments below and let me know.

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