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Saturday, 21 March 2015

What's on my Painting Table? - Eldar Combat Patrol

I've been very busy lately with work which has meant I've not had any time to get hobby things done over the past few weeks, however today I finally found some time to sit down and work on painting up some of my new units which I'll be using for my Eldar Combat Patrol in my local clubs 40K league. 

So far I've not actually been able to play any combat patrol games but I'm hoping to get my first one played in two week time when I finally have some free time to myself to do some gaming.  Anyway here's some photos of what I've been working on. 

My Combat Patrol features a War Walker and a unit of Warp Spiders

My Warp Spiders are getting a paint job that has been inspired a certain friendly neighbourhood spider.... man

I've given the canopy of my War Walker a green tint using a wash.  I applied some 'Ard Coat to the glass after this photo was taken which made it more transparent. 

My Warp Spiders still have a way to go until they are finished. 

Another photo of them.

The base of my War Walker features some Eldar scenery.  I decided to paint the rocks black to make them look like coal as this is reflected in my Craftworlds background. 

Close up of the pilot. 

I'll post some photos of the finished units once they are done.  Until next time remember "Keep Calm and Re-Roll!"

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