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Tuesday, 23 December 2014

What's on my Painting Table - Drop Pod

Christmas is almost upon us but that hasn't stopped me getting some more painting done on some of my miniatures.  The latest thing to be completed is this Drop Pod for my Imperial Fists army.

Early stages of the painting.  I decided I wanted to but some scorch marks on the Drop Pod to show that it had been through the atmosphere of the planet the Imperial Fists are defending (or invading). 

The inside.

The finished Drop Pod, along with some of my Command Squad.

Another shot of the interior.

The Drop Pod before the deployment ramps have been deployed. 

Now this is done my next project to paint will be my Wrathguard. 

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Da Mek's Workshop - Basing ideas

I thought I'd pass on some ideas for jazzing up your miniatures bases by showing you two of the bases for some Wrathguard that I am currently working on. 

These miniatures are going to be used in part of a 40K tournament that I'm taking part in February 2015.  As such I wanted to make some of them look a little more dynamic, so after raiding my bits box this is what I came up with...

This Guardsmen lies injured on the base, grenade in hand ready to make one final act of valour by trying to take out a Wrathguard.  I had to do some remodelling on the left arm (with some Green stuff  added later to fill the gaps).  The gunshot wounds were made with a pin drill. 

Here's the finished base with the Wrathguard on it. 

This Wrathguard perches on a discarded Space Marine helmet.  I got the inspiration from the shot in Terminator 2 when a T-800 crushes a human skull underfoot.   

4 of the 5 Wrathguard finished!

It was relatively easy to add these small details to the bases and I'll post some photos on the finished results once they have been painted.  As the rest of my Eldar are based on snow themed bases then these will follow suit. 

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

What's on my Painting Table - Death Guard

Here are some pictures of my recently finished Death Guard squad which replaces one of my Red Corsairs units in my chaos Space Marine army.

The unit is based around the new Space Marine Tactical Squad set but with some small conversions, modifications and additions from my bits box (and some generous gamers) to make them look more Chaos. 

I'm really happy with how they've turned out and can't wait to use them in a game. 

2 traditional Death Guard torsos and a third with  a rocket launcher which I converted to give it a more demonic look.     

Some more troops with mixed armour types.

The Death Guard in the centre has a rusty and corroded bionic head. 

Now I've finished this unit I can start on my Terminator Squad which will act as a body guard unit for Typhus.