It's been another fairly busy week of hobbying (if that's a word?). I've managed to get a few new projects started and finish some more of my Imperial Fists force. I also decided to paint a 2nd Edition Cadian Shock Trooper miniature and another of my Grot Assistants.
At the start of the week I was working on these miniatures... |
but these two I spent the most time on. |
Imperial Fists Standard Bearer
Here's a closer look at my Imperial Fists Standard Bearer, who forms part of my units Command Squad.
My Standard Bearer just before I applied the transfers, |
As my force is lead by a Captain from the 9th Company (Who is the master of relics) I wanted the standard to reflect the colours of that detachment, which is made up of Devastator Squads. As such I went with a blue colour scheme for the banner with yellow and white trims (yellow for the chapter colour, white to reflect the veterans). The Chapter symbol makes up most of the banner with the Devastator symbol below, whilst the skull represents the Command Squad insignia. I used transfers for all the logos.
I'm really happy with the end result.
The finished miniature, just the base left to do! |
Cadian Shock Trooper
Here's a photo of my finished Cadian Shock Trooper. I decided to try out the snow effects on the base (this is the first time I've used it).
I went with a fairly simple colour scheme, sticking to a plain green uniform. I decided to give him a blue helmet as a subtle nod to the uniform worn by UN troops, as I imagine this trooper being part of a planetary peace keeping force.
Future projects
I thought I'd share with you an image to show you how much more of my Imperial Fists army I've got left to finish. As you'll see I've still got a way to go!
The Devastator squad is next up to paint. |
I also recently purchased some old Space Marine power armour variants which I'll be painting up. The miniature on the left is a MK1 Space Marine, who will form part of my command squad. The MK2 Power Armour (on the right) is going to form part of my Death Guard Plague Marine squad.
Both of these have now been undercoated! |
This weeks tip concerns using transfers on miniatures. I've always found that I get the best results on applying transfers to miniatures by following these easy steps;
1. Apply a layer of 'Ard Coat to the miniature that you wish to apply the transfer to. Once dry it gives the transfer a really smooth surface to stick to.
2. Cut around the transfer as close you can, but leave a tiny bit of over hand in a corner to give your tweezers something to grip to. Speaking of which...
3. Use tweezers to pick up the transfer and soak it in the water for around 10 to 15 seconds.
4. Apply the transfer and gently dab it down on the miniature using a tissue to absorb any excess water.
5. Once dry paint over the transfer with a layer of Lahmian Medium. This will "lock" it in place and offer it some protection.