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Monday, 26 March 2018

Blood Angel Inceptors, Stormtroopers and general musings

I’ve been told to rest up by my GP as I’ve pulled some muscles in my stomach which have been causing me a lot of pain, which has meant I’ve not been able to get up to much recently (No final trip to Purple Rain at the Bikeshed , and  there goes my plan to start C25K this week!) It’s not all bad news however as this rest  has given me the opportunity to get a few hobby things completed, in particular my Blood Angel Inceptor Squad and more IA stuff.

Here’s the end results….

Inceptor Squad, ready for action

The squad sergeant, I just need to add some transfers to their shoulder pads!  

I played another game of Imperial Assault using the App recently and I have to say I’m starting to really enjoy it.  The campaign mode is so different to Skirmish (which I have played most of my IA games as so far) and has a lot more depth to it. The app itself is fairly easy to use, though I wish it had an option to record the upgrades you’ve purchased to your characters so you can keep track of them.  I guess it reminds me most of games like Warhammer Quest and Heroquest and the fact it can be played as a 1 player game means that if you’re bored you’ve got something to whip out and play.

Playing the game more has also motivated me on to get more of the miniatures painted, and recently I painted up 3 Stromtroopers.  This was also a bit of an experiment to test out a paint scheme for Legion.  

Stromtroopers? Here? I must warn the others! 

I’m not sure what I’ll start working on next.  I have an Orc Blood Bowl team which I am keen to paint but equally I really want to paint up some of the new Necromumda miniatures, and there are always IA to paint as well. 

Sunday, 18 March 2018

What's on my painting table Part 2 - Luke Skywalker & Imperial Officers

“Everything has happened as I have for seen!” as the Emperor may say.  As predicted the snow fell today so I managed to get some more painting done.  I haven’t quite finished my Blood Angel squad (just some highlighting to go) but I did get 3 more Imperial Assault miniatures finished.

Luke Skywalker, farmboy and future Jedi Knight

Father & Son

Imperial Officers 

Saturday, 17 March 2018

What's on my painting table? - Vader and the Grand Inquisitor

For the first time in a while I’ve managed to have a free Saturday to myself, which meant I could get some hobby stuff done.

I’m currently working through a back log of miniatures I need to finish painting so decided to focus on them.  Unfortunately I didn’t manage to get a lot completed today but I did get a good start on a Blood Angels Inceptor squad.  I was however able to finish a few Imperial Assault miniatures, in particular Darth Vader and the Grand Inquisitor (see below).  

As snow is currently forecast for tomorrow I hope to finish off the Blood Angels squad, so unless anything else pops up I should be able to cross a few more units off my list.

I used a gloss coat on the armor of both miniatures to make it look more like plastic.

Vader can be a challenge to paint, being all black in colour.  The trick is to use grey shade to add subtle highlights to the armour to help it to stand out and add depth to the miniature.  This can be very tricky to do on a small figure such as Vader. 

I decided to paint Vader’s eyes red after his appearance in Rogue One and Rebels.  

I finished  Bossk  a few weeks ago but didn’t get round to photographing him until today.