I’ve taken a break from painting up my Death Guard to focus
on some of my Kharadron Overlord miniatures.
This is my first Sigma army and at this stage it is still a very small
force, but an upcoming Age of Sigma tournament has speared me on to try and
complete it so it is approximately 2,000 points in size (and thus allowing me
to enter the tournament). It also gives
me the opportunity to start to paint up some of what I’ve already got.
I thought I’d start with my Gunhauler (as I had already
painted its base). I’ve gone for the
Barak-Thryng Skyport as my armys theme as I really like their paint
scheme. Here are the end results.
Next to finish painting are my Grundstock Thunderers and
Aether-Khemist, however I’ve just bought a unit of Deathshroud Terminators, so
I may be swayed to go back to painting some more of my Death Guard :P