Wow it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I'd like to say that it was due to some really awesome reason like being asked to direct one of the new Star Wars movies or that I've won the lottery and bought myself a private island somewhere but the truth is that i just haven't been doing much hobby stuff lately.
That's not to say I haven't done ANY hobby related stuff over the past few month, becasue I have. I competed in the Exe-Wing tournament back in September and placed 14th! (My highest placement so far in a compeative X-Wing tournament, but then I have only competed in two of them) and I did find time to play one game of 40K with my Ork army (My first time I've used them since 7th edition came out) but I've found that a combination of work, being ill (Stupid winter colds) and working on other projects have all been taking up more of my time latley (For example I'm currently building a BB-8 for my local Picturehouse cinema ready for when The Force Awakens comes out).
The BB-8 I'm currently building. |
I've also found that since GW released Age of Sigma, and decide to focus on only promoting and releaseing stuff for it, whilst 40K took a backseat that I haven't really had any reason or motivation to pop into my local GW store or buy anything (I'd be really interested to see how their sales did over that time). However I have found some time to finish one painting project and habe now in fact started on another two.
I've managed to finish my unit of Chaos Space Marine Terminators which act as my bodyguard unit for Typhus |
As you can see I've painted them in typical Death Guard colours. I'll post some better pictures of them asap. |
Now that I've finished these Terminators I can say that all of my Chaos Space Marine minatures are painted. Yay! I have a fully painted army! (Not that it will stay that way for long as I still need to finish converting most of them over to Death Guard). With these minatures done I decided to go back to my Eldar army and try and get some more of those units finished. So I've started painting the remaining 5 Dire Avengers of my unit of 10. I also decided to paint my last remaining unpainted Escher minature as I figure that once she's done I can finally start work on painting my Goliath or Orlock gangs.
My Dire Avengers |
My Escher is coming along nicely. Her colour scheme is inspired by Harley Quinn |
Hopefully my next post won't be so long away.
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