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Monday, 6 April 2015

What's on my painting table - Easter bank holiday painting

This Easter I found some time to finish off a few painting project and start on a few new ones (as well as paint some doors in my house).

I found 3 Orc Blood Bowl players which I hadn't painted so decided to finish them off.  The Orc linesman on the left is the one I painted over the weekend, the one on the right is one on of the first Orcs I painted when I got back into the hobby.

Here's another photo of the two.

I also painted three of my four Dark Reapers ready for my 750 point 40K games. 

I used the new Martian technical paint to base these miniatures as I wants to represent the different world that my elder come from. 

My Dark Reapers colour scheme (red and black) echo the colours of my other Eldar forces. 

Two Orc Blitzers waiting for their bases to dry and a unit of Dire Avengers are my next projects to finish. 

Finally here's a photo of my 400 point Combat Patrol.  some of these miniatures (such as the Jetbikes) will be in my 750 Point army whilst the rest will be reintroduced into my larger forces.

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