It has been a long time since I’ve posted anything on this
blog, so for that I apologies (Especially as one of my pet peeves is when
people don’t frequently update their blogs or channels!). without out going into too much detail there’s
been several things going on that have meant that I’ve not been able to update
this blog as much as I had wished. Firstly,
my phone is pretty much on it’s last legs, so taking photos of my finished miniatures
has been tricky. The lamp that I normally
use to light my miniatures for photography also broke, and with my phone camera
being what it is it has meant I haven’t been able to light my miniatures
effectively enough to get any decent photos of them. I am however in the process of ordering a
light box from eBay, so that at least should solve one of the problems.
I’ve also been looking at branching out into other social
media platforms and after deciding that YouTube was a no go with my current
level of technology I’m now considering doing a podcast. I’ve downloaded Audacity, and after having a
bit of a play around with it and recording some stuff it looks like so far so
good, at least from a technology point of view.
I still need to iron out a few things before making my first demo
recording but hopefully I’ll have something you can listen to soon.
In terms of content for the podcast, for now it’s still a work
in process but I think it will mainly be me talking about things I’ve played or
consumed over the weeks, offering some tips etc. But like I say it’s still a work in
If the podcast is a go I may set up a Keep Calm and Re-Roll
Instagram account to go alongside it, as this is a bit easier to update then a
I've been up to lots of hobby stuff whilst I've been "offline" including several items I’m currently working on, or planning to finish over the next few months, just to give you
the highlights these include…
- Starting a new Mechanicum Army for 40K. (So far I have a Knight Errant, which is
currently on my painting table and two Castalan Robots. This army isn’t a priority but will be my
next big project)
- Finishing my Kharadron Overlords Army for Age of Sigma (With
2.0 now out I can repoint everything using the new costs in the Generals
Handbook to figure out how large my army actually is and how far away from my
2,000 point goal I am. I also need to factor
in 400 points of Stormcast allies so I can get access to wizards and Malign Sorcery!) I also need to paint a lot of them!
- Finish painting the remainder of my Death Guard army.
- Paint my new Chaos Blood Bowl team.
- Finish painting my new Imperial Knight
I’ve played a few new tabletop games as well including the
excellent Terraforming Mars and Lords of Waterdeep. I’ve also started a new tradition called
payday new games day. Recent purchases have
included Unstable Unicorns, Firefly Adventures and the aforementioned Lords of Waterdeep. Going forward I hope to make this a new
feature on the blog or podcast.
Finally I’ve been getting back into Imperial Assault and
have tried to play at least one game of it every other week. I’ve got an Imperial list I’ve been
developing and aim to use it in a
tournament sometime soon. So as
you can see I’ve been keeping busy, and just to tease you on some stuff I have
finished her are a few photos of things I’ve managed to complete… until next
Harley Quinn inspired Madonna paintjob |
Rear view |
Trip to Warhammer world!!! |