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Sunday, 26 November 2017

What's on my painting table? - Plague Surgeon

This week I managed to finish painting my Plague Surgeon for my Death Guard army.  I decided to paint him a different colour to the rest of my Death Guard to try and make him stand out on the battle field and also to do it as a test to see what this colour scheme would look like for when I get round to painting Typhus and, at some point Mortarian.  

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The Last Jedi - My predictions

With The Last Jedi only a few weeks away from release I thought I’d come up with my top 10 thing I think will happen in the movie.  Not this is purely based on my own speculation and nothing else but, should I somehow turn out to be correct this could be considered SPOILRES so don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Okay, so here we go….

Rey will be a Skywalker/Solo

 I don’t think Rey will turn out to be Luke’s daughter but she could be Han and Leia’s.  It’s possible that Leia revealed this to her during the events of the Force Awakens (Which we may see in a flashback).  It kind of makes sense that they hid Rey to protect her from Kylo Ren after he turned to the darkside, fearing that he may try to seduce her (or at least Snoke would).  This would explain Rey’s natural ability to fly the Falcon and her string force abilities. 

Poe is force sensitive

I think it will be heavily hinted at or even directly mentioned that Poe Dameron is force sensitive.  If you’ve read the Shattered Empire comic you’ll know that Poe’s mother helped Luke Skywalker to retrieve a force tree from one of The Emperor’s many facilities containing obtained Jedi artefacts.  As a thank you for her assistant Luke gave Poe’s mum a sample of the tree which she planted on Yavin 4 (which is where she retired after leaving the Rebellion).   It’s possible that this tree influenced Poe’s development and allowed him to become force sensitive?  The evidence would seem to suggest that, especially given his piloting abilities.  

We’ll never find out what happened to Finn’s parents

I think they will leave this aspect of Finn’s past unanswered.  If the First Order kidnapped and raised lots of children to fill their ranks, as they did with Finn then it is not outside the realm of possibility that they just don’t keep any records of who they took the kids from (as the just don’t care). 

Lando will get a name check

I think Leia will mention him at some point and we may even learn of his fate (Possibly at Han’s funeral?).  As much as it pains me to write it I don’t think we’ll physically see Lando in the movie. 

We’ll get a few Rebels references

As with Rogue One I think we may get at least one Rebels mention.  Ezra seems like a good call.  Perhaps we’ll learn that he joined Luke’s Jedi Academy, or maybe we’ll see Chopper in the background of a shot (Like in Rogue One).  It’s tricky though as the final session has yet to end, but you never know. 

Luke will not die

I think killing off Luke in this movie will be a very bad move.  I think he may stay on Ach-To once Rey leaves him to go back to the resistance and that after she gets captured by Snoke he will leave to go rescue her.  Which leads me onto… 

Kylo Ren will seek out Luke’s help

I think the movie is going to have a strong redemption arc for Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and I think the film will end with Rey being captured by Snoke and Kylo Ren abandoning the First Order to go and seek Luke and for his help in getting her back.  If Rey is Kylo’s sister then this would make sense.  Rey could be the person to make him question his place in the balance of the force.  Seeing Rey captured and tortured could be enough to convince him to desert the dark path and come back into the light.  It would also be a good way of reconciling Luke’s failure to stop Ben Solo from turning to the darkside.  Perhaps Rey will go to Leia first and the two of them will go to find Luke. 

Sunday, 19 November 2017

What's on my painting table? - Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire

I recently picked up a copy of Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire and decide to paint up the Stormcast warband (as this is the one I want to use in future games).  It took me a few days to get them done (with a week’s breaks in-between) but I’m really happy with the results.

Steelheart’s Champions.  I decided to go with a silver and red paint scheme for the armor of this war band.  

Severin Steelheart

Angharad Brightshield

Obryn the Bold

Sunday, 5 November 2017

What's on my Painting Table - More imperial Assault

This weekend I’ve been able to find some time to paint up a few more of my Imperial Assault miniatures (as well as finish my Kharadron Overlords Ether Chemist).  

Boba Fett (for some reason I just couldn't get the focus right when taking this photo)

Better Boba Fett photo

Imperial Probe Droid

My second Jawa.  

My next painting project will be to finish some more of my Kharadron Overlords and Death Guard though with the new Necromunda coming out I’m tempted to dig our my old Goliath gang and paint them up. 

Friday, 3 November 2017

X-Wing - New Rules, New lists!

As some of you may know Fantasy Flight recently released a new FAQ and rules update for Star Wars X-Wing.    This update saw some BIG changes to some pilot cards which I currently use in some of my lists.  In particular I’m thinking of Biggs Darklighter and Dengar. 

In my opinion some of these updates are welcome whilst others seem a little too harsh.  For example I believed the Jumpmaster did need some nurfing.  This ship was frequently popping up in tournaments as a cheap gunboat and the removal of the torpedo upgrade slot seemed a good way to reduce the power of it.  However the loss of the astromech slot seems to go a bit too far.  This means I’ll have to rethink my Dengar list, as I was running him with the unhinged astromech to give him some much needed green manoeuvres.  However my biggest grip is the change they made to Biggs!

For those of you who are unfamiliar Biggs pilot ability is now“one use only”.  This pretty much makes him useless and it has meant that I’ve had to drop him from my most successful list and do a bit of a rethink. 

Originally Biggs featured in a list with 2 Blue Squadron B-wings and an A-wing.   Biggs was in the list to do one job, which is to take the fire of the B-wings long enough for them to launch their torpedoes and do some damage before becoming targets themselves.  However this strategy has now gone out of the airlock.  

After some carful thinking this is the new list I’ve come up with for my B-Wings.

2 x Blue Squadron Pilot’s
Flechette Torpeadoes
Fire Control System
Guidance Chips 

Braylen Stramm
Nien Nunb
Alliance Overhaul

Sabine Wren
Sabine's Masterpiece

Biggs has now been replaced by Braylen Stramm, who is the same points cost as Biggs, has the same attack characteristic (when you give her the Alliance Overhaul title) but more hull, more shields oh and a rear firing arc!  Adding R2-D6 lets me give her an elite pilot skill, which in this case is Rage, which seems to fit nicely with her pilot ability as in theory she can Rage (To focus and reroll attack dice), do a green manoeuvre to clear one stress and use her pilot ability to try and clear the other. 
This also give me another hard hitting ship in my fleet, which forces my opponent to decided whether to go after the Arc or the B-Wings, as both can do some serious damage. 

When finding a replacement for Biggs I also decided to drop the A-wing and instead I decided to give Sabine Wren a shot.  For 20 points I can give her ship the title card, Intensity elite Pilot Skill and Rey crew which fit really well with her pilot ability.  In theory I can boost/barrel roll, activate Intensity to evade, do my manoeuvre, focus as an action and then if I don’t use the focus, pile it on Rey or discard it to flip Intensity back over again.  

Next, test them out and report back on how it goes.  May the Force be with me!

What's on my painting table? - Imperial Assault miniatures

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything so I thought I’d put some images up of the Imperial Assault miniatures I finished a few months ago.

I’m relatively new to this game having only recently gotten into it but I thought I’d give painting some of the characters a try.  Here are my end results.  

BT and 0-0-0.  

The rear view 

Jawa.  Really happy with how the eyes turned out. 

IG88.  This look was achieved using dry brushing and washes.