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Tuesday, 16 May 2017

What's on my painting table? - Grak and Crumbleberry

Well it’s been a busy week, with Legionary taking place over the weekend I was given the responsibility for TO the Blood Bowl tournament, which inspired me to finish painting my Grak and Crumbleberry miniatures on Sunday. 

I decided to try out some new lighting techniques for photographing these two (Using the helpful guide that Games Workshop produced on how to photography your miniatures).  Here are the end results, hopefully you'll like them. 
Grak.  I decided to go for a purple and yellow colour scheme to make them stand out. 


The two of them together. 
News also hit the Internet yesterday of the new Primaris SpaceMarines that GW will be releasing with the new edition of 40K.  I have to admit that from seeing them, I’m a big fan.  Aseptically they look amazing and the new scale really works, but I don’t think I’ll be buying rushing out to buy loads of them when they hit the shelves  as really don’t want to be replacing my entire Blood Angels army with these new miniatures.  I do however have an idea about getting one squad of them and painting them up like the Death Troopers from Rogue One (but with a bit of a 40K twist) and using them as an elite unit within my army. 

I like the idea of the Primaris Marines being sent to Baal under the order of the New Lord Commander of Terra (Roboute Guilliman) to bolster the Blood Angels numbers and keep an eye on things.  I can see the Blood Angels being very wary of their new allies, not knowing whether to trust them and trying to figure out what their true motives are for being on Baal. 

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

What's on my Painting Table - Converted Dwarf Deathroller

As some of you may remember I had been working on a Deathroller conversion for my Dwarf Blood Bowl team, well now it’s all painted up and ready to hit the pitch with the rest of Team rehab (My Dwarf team). 

Finished Deathroller, complete with chipped paint and dirt/weathering effects.

I added some blood stains using "Blood for the Blood God" to show that the roller had squished a few players.  I used sponge to apply the paint as it gave a better splattered effect. 

The Deathroller has several portholes for the Dwarf inside to see out off.  I also imagine this as the hatch he used to get inside it.  As such I left the step on the mianture to show how he could get in and out.

The Deathroller fits in nicely with the rest of my team.  I think the scale works really well with  and it gives me a unique centre piece to my squad. 

The Deathroller on the (old) pitch. 

Squish that Saurus!!!

Now the Deathroller is finished I can work on finishing some of my other projects, specifically Grak and Crumbleberry.  I also need to decide what to do with the rest of my Gunship.