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Thursday, 16 June 2016

What's on my Painting Table - Blood Angels Dreadnought

I finished this Blood Angels Dreadnought a while ago now but I have finally got around to taking a couple of pics of it for the blog.  I magnetised the weapon arms so that I can mix and match them pending on army point lists.  This proved to be trickier than I imagined as I had go the polarity wrong on two of the arms and rather than them stick to the body they flew off.  Luckily I was able to (eventually) fix the problem.  

Weapons option 1

And weapons option 2!

Crusade of Fire - Blood Angels Vs Tau game

Here are some photos from a recent Crusade of Fire game I played where my Blood Angels had to defend the Spaceport I was holding against a Tau invasion.  We played 1,250 point lists (I also got an Aegis Defence Line with Quad Cannon as an added bonus as i was defending).  It was a closely fought game where I was ahead for the first few turns (we were using Tactical Objective cards) but my opponent managed to even up the gap between points and in turn 6 managed to get ahead of me.  By end game he had won 10/9!  The spaceport was his. 

The Space Port battlefield! 

My Drop Pod arrives.  Securing a needed objective marker whilst my Tatical Squad engage the enemy.

But then the Tau formation arrives via Deep Strike and my Heavy Weapons Dreadnaught is the attention of their targets.

The Dreadnaught did not servive!

The Terminator Assult Squad help to secure Objective Marker 5 on 2 occasions giving me some much needed VP's but means they can't get into the fight!

The Death Company charge!