UPDATE: - I've now added some more photos showing my progress in painting up this unit of Cultists.
I've taken a break from painting my Eldar to start on a new unit of Chaos Cultists to replace the ones I've currently got in my Chaos Space Marine army. My current plan is to slowly, overtime make all of my chaos forces Death Guard (Replacing the red Corsairs which make up the bulk of my force).
Having recently watched Mad Max Fury Road (An awesome movie go see it!) I decided to take some inspiration from it when putting together my Cultist unit. As such I've done a few small conversions to some of the miniatures to give them a more post apocalyptic feel. I also decided to use the Nurgle Warhammer Chaos Lord miniature as my Cultist Champion, as let's face it he looks a bit like humongous from Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior.
I'll post some more pictures of the finished unit once they are done.
The first of my new cultists lead by The Humongous. |
The Cultists will be painted in typical Death Guard colours. |
I'm making progress! |
Most of the base coating has been done |
I'm also working on painting up this Death Guard Space Marine. |