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Sunday, 6 May 2018

4 things I've been up to


I’ve finished another one of my Imperial Assault miniatures, specifically Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Here are a few photos of him.   

I’m really happy with how he turned out and he makes a fine addition to my collection.   I’m hoping to get some more games of IA in soon as it’s a game which I have neglected of late, and with the new expansion coming out soon I’d like to get some more experience of playing. 


I recently purchased the Gaslands rulebook with the aim of playing the game very soon.    In the run up to this however I’ve been converting up some Hotwheels by putting some weapons on them.  Having read the rulebook whilst I was away in Manchester I’ve concluded that it looks like a really fun (and cheap) game to get into,  sort of a cross between X-Wing and Necromunda.  So far I think I’ve spent around £30 on it, including the rulebook and plastic templates.  Now to find some time to play it. 

My Gaslands collection.  The cars I picked up from Poundland whilst the plastic templates came of eBay and the dice from my own collection. 

Work has begun on converting up the cars.  

Last weekend I played in a local Shadespire tournament .  I decided to use my Stormcast warband from the core game (As I’ve had the most experience with them and more importantly they’re fully painted).  Regrettably Shadespire has been another game which I’ve not had much time to play, and this showed as I had forgotten half the rules and my deck build wasn’t very good.  As a result I lost my first 3 games.  Fortunately we were playing a swiss round tournament so my games got more evenly matched as I progressed and in the end I managed to win my final two games (although they were very close) and ended up coming 6th, which is more impressive than it sounds as there were only 8 people in the tournament.  Still I got some cool prizes out of it.

I also purchased the new  Farstriders warband  (Which I have now finished painting) I’m hoping to get some more games in with them soon, so I can see what they are like.  

I've finished painting these now and at some point I will upload some photos of them.


Today I assembled my new Choas Blood Bowl team.  Having just finished the Rygas League with my Lizardmen I’d been thinking of a new team to try out and I really liked the look of the new Chaos team so opted for them.  I think I’m going to paint them as a Tzeentch team, especially as I’ve converted up Ogroid Thaumaturge to be my Minotaur.   I’m hoping to get them painted up relatively soon, though I have a lot of other projects to finish as I’ve been finding it hard to stay motivated recently so who knows how much progress I will make.