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Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Stay on Target - Testing out a new scum list

This evening I managed to test out my new Scum list for X-Wing.  I decided after Regionals that I wanted to try a new list with some new ships (I normally play Rebels or Scum) and as I had been playing a lot of Rebel lists recently I opted to go back to Scum. 

My plan was to do a loosely themed list that was competitive enough to play with in future tournaments.  Ideally, I wanted a minimum of 3 ships and I wanted each ship to represent one of the many Bounty Hunters in the Star Wars universe.  With a lot of tinkering I eventually managed to come up with the following…

IG88-C (36)
Autothrusters (2)
Attanni Mind-Link (1)

Misthunter (0)
Tractor Beam (1)
4-LOM (1)
Attanni Mind-Link (1)

K4-Security Droid (3)
Unhinged Astromech (1)
Attanni Mind-Link (1)

In my first practice game, it went down to the wire ending with Manaroo slogging it out against a TIE Advanced Prototype.  It got down to both of us having 1 hull point left each but the TIE managed to get the final shot on Manaroo and thus winning the game.  To be honest the game was a lot closer than I thought it was going to be.  I thought I would get bested very early on.  The Tractor Beam never really came into play and the Gand Findsman was taken out early in the game.  Although I did use the 4-LOM crew ability I didn’t really take full advantage of it (Mainly because I forgot what it could do).  IG-88 did well and held his own and Manaroo was rolling some mean attack dice.  My opponent was using two TIE Advanced, a TIE Fighter and the new Upsilon Shuttle with Kylo Ren on board and General Hux.  There are some nice builds that you can do with that set and the new condition cards can be deadly in the right situations arise.

After the first game, we rejigged our lists and tried them pout again.  The only change I made was to ditch the Misthunter title (and tractor beam) and use the 2 points left to give IG88 a Fire Control System.  Here’s my amended list…

IG88-C (36)
Autothrusters (2)
Attanni Mind-Link (1)
Fire Control System (2)

4-LOM (1)
Attanni Mind-Link (1)

K4-Security Droid (3)
Unhinged Astromech (1)
Attanni Mind-Link (1)

As in the first practice game the Gand Findsman got taken out fairly quickly (Turn 2 if I remember).  He got Swam leader’d to death (no escaping 7 attack dice!).  Next to go was Manaroo who got ganged up on.  Luckily IG88 was in good shape and managed to win the game for me taking out the Upsilon Shuttle and a TIE Advanced Prototype.  I think this list worked a bit better, especially as “Iggy pop” got the free target lock whenever he performed an attack on someone, thus giving him a free action. 

I was pleased that my list performed much better than I thought it would.  I still need to play it a few more times before taking it to any tournaments, especially as I need to get my head around the sequence to play things in and figure out which action I should do and it what order.  However it seems to be working well so far.  I’ll probably stick with its current configuration, play against a  few more opponents with different lists and see how it performs against them.  

Once I’m happy with the list I move on to figuring out how to use the new Quad Jumper!